Think our President is kidding about building a wall? Think again.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Saturday, November 16, 2013
I KNEW there was a reason I never wanted to join a sorority...
When I was in college in the early 70's, our motto wasn't "Go Greek". It was "Go Freak".
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Nothing New Under the Sun...
One of my favorite authors is Taylor Caldwell. She has written several of my favorite books, but one of my most admired of her works is 'DEAR AND GLORIOUS PHYSICIAN', which was released in 1959. It is a fictional work based on the life of the Biblical Luke, who was a doctor.
I LOVE Ms. Caldwell's writing style. I just get immersed in her stories...
The following is an excerpt which I read today. Keep in mind, she is writing about it was in Jesus' time, but written in 1959. The quote is part of a conversation taking place within the story. (By the way, I am not passing judgment in the use of the term "betters", but obviously her fictional character was. I do not know if Ms. Caldwell shared the same mindset, nor do I care.) The similarities between Rome and our country today are pretty GLARING, don't you think?
It sure sounds like Rome had much of the same problems we do. Especially in light of the news of a major American city having to sign itself into bankruptcy! Detroit is the biggest city to do so, but here is a link of lesser known cities/counties which have had to do the same, interestingly enough, since January 2010. Hmmmmm...."And there are the rabble, the market-place rabble, who have no love for their country or their God - the petulant, lightless rabble which afflict all cities and all nations, demanding always, greedy, eager for sport, with lusty animal appetites, quarrelsome, milling restlessly, incapable of learning anything, contentious and dependent. Have you not such a rabble in Rome, and will not Rome die of them, and the taxation they impose on their betters for their idle support?"
Here is another quote, also SO SIMILAR to what America is going through right now.
"Why should man hate other men, out of envy or spite or because they are not of his race or color That question was asked eons ago and it grows stale and dull with the asking. But it is the tragedy of man.""... it grows stale and dull with the asking." IT SURE DOES!
One more quote from the book. It is just too good to pass up.
"If there were no taxes there would be no money for soldiers, and if there were no soldiers there would be no wars and no conquests, and if there were no wars and no conquests men could then learn to live together in peace. But that is not what governments want! They make wars of out greed and in the desire for profits."
And not just what governments want. It is the people who are behind the scenes...running the governments...who control the purse strings (AND THE LAP DOG MEDIA) who want war. But that is another topic for another post.
I just thought it was interesting how Ms. Caldwell showed in her work that indeed, there is nothing new under the sun...
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Angels are Weeping...
I hope whoever reads this will also read the comments at the end of this website. Here are some random comments:
- You mean, pass really, really tough gun control laws ... like Norway did??
- And the way to defeat this:
Oh, you're for gun control? Tell me more about how no one can buy illegal drugs in this country. - I would like to hear them explain how the Mexi drug cartels got a hold of more than 2,000 guns as part of Barry and Eric's Fast & Furious operation. They ignore that, but exploit this. Satan is proud of his minions in the Obama Nation.
- When someone runs over twenty kids at a playground, will we ban cars?
- 'This'? What is 'this'? This kid had a PERSONALITY DISORDER; the guns didn't. Mentally ill people intent on killing will always find a weapon. Did you hear about the maniac who went on a stabbing rampage in a Chinese school today?
- You are right. It's time to take a serious look on how we handle mental illneess , and why we dont institutionalize people like the Colorado Joker and today's shooter .
American's have always had guns , per capita far more had them in the past, yet there wasnt' any shootings of little children.
The horror began when modern mental health turned towards the "miracle" of drugs to fix their patients enough to allow them to walk among us. We sent the Joker to college instead of the lunny bin where he'd not been able to hurt anyone.
All I know is that I am SO VERY GRATEFUL that God is still on His throne...that He still has control of this pitiful world. My prayer is for the parents and families of these precious, innocent children and adults that were so savagely taken out of this world. There is NO comfort but Jesus. I can only pray they turn to Him for help...
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Just when I needed You most...
The Lord used this wonderful woman to speak to my broken heart years after she wrote of her own heartaches. And isn't that exactly why we go through the trials we have to endure in this life? To help others who are experiencing the same hurts and be able to offer the help that only the Lord can give. That's what my Bible teaches, therefore that is what I believe.
Here is the entire article...
"Lettie B. Cowman: Communion in the Desert, by Joanna Weaver
Browsing for a devotional one day, I discovered a dual edition of Lettie B. Cowman's classics, Streams in the Desert and Springs in the Valley. The price was good, so I picked it up to use in my quiet time with the Lord. But at the time, I found Cowman's 1920s language a bit antiquated and her subject matter depressing. So I set it on the shelf, and there it stayed.
That is, until a few years later when I hit a personal storm like none I'd ever encountered. Suddenly, the devotions I'd dismissed became like bread and water to my spirit and the comforting light I needed to navigate this new, intensely dark night of my soul.
Cowman, a lifelong missionary, wrote and compiled these classics throughout her husband Charles' long illness and after his eventual death. Her words, born of both deep suffering and communion with the Lord, often brought me to tears during my difficult multi-year period. They did more than comfort me - they taught me the kind of intimate prayer that one learns in the valleys of life.
Cowman's words continue to shape my life. God uses them to remind me gently, and at times pointedly, that it isn't my situation that needs changing - it's my heart. But most of all, He speaks through these words of wisdom to assure me that I'm never alone. For He promises to be the spring in my darkest valley and a stream of living water in my driest desert."
Ms. Weaver summed it up very nicely in those words. If you are experiencing a deep, dark valley in your life, turn to the only One who gives comfort and peace, beyond human understanding. {Philippians 4:7 - "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."}
And for those of you who do find the older version hard to understand, Jim Reimann has edited Streams in the Desert into more modern language. As for me, I shall ALWAYS prefer the King James version of the Bible to all others. The older languages speak to me in a way no other has ever been able to do.
Mrs. Cowman often used others' words in her daily devotionals. Here is a sampling from my preferred original version...
"December 11 'The LORD binded up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wounds.' {Isaiah 30:26}
When some friend has proved untrue - betrayed your simple trust; used you for his selfish end, and trampled in the dust the Past, with all its memories, and all its sacred ties, the light is blotted from the sky - for something in you dies.
Bless your false and faithless friend, just smile and pass along - God must be the judge of it: He knows the right and wrong...Life is short - don't waste the hours by brooding on the past; His great laws are good and just; Truth conquers at the last.
Red and deep our wounds may be - but after all the pain - God's own finger touches us, and we are healed again...With faith restored, and trust renewed - we look toward the stars - the world will see the smiles we have - but God will see the scars. - Scars, by Patience Strong
'Love grows stronger when assailed;
Love conquers where all else has failed.
Love ever blesses those who curse;
Love gives the better for the worse.
Love unbinds others by its bonds;
Love pours forgiveness from its wounds.'
Lord, let me love like Thee!"
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
"Lord, what FOOLS these mortals be..."
Since I am convinced God is totally in control, even though I am devastated by yesterday's election outcome, I am not surprised. God gave this country exactly what it deserved. Americans have chosen to exclude God from our government, our schools, our homes and yes, even from our churches. Why shouldn't God allow us to choose the most godless, humanistic, America-hating, racist, lying, baby-killing, Jew-hating Socialist we could find to be our President?
The following are some links to some thoughts from my some of my blogging friends who can express themselves much more eloquently than me...
From Fellowship of the Minds:
10 things that will happen now that Obama’s reelected:
Read 'em and weep...
From Left Coast Rebel:
"Yesterday my blog, WhatWeThinkandWhy, had a lot more visitors than normal.
Why? I didn't write anything. Nothing new there. No emails went out to announce a new blog post. No last minute advice on the election. No predictions.
What were those visitors looking for? I don't know. But whatever they hoped to find, they didn't find it. That blog had long ago made the case for freedom and against dependency on government. There was nothing left to be said before the American people went to polls to decide if they wanted to be Europeans or stick with the American dream of individual liberty and personal responsibility.
Yesterday they chose the Nanny State. That's what the election was about. It doesn't matter what you thought it was about, or what your neighbor thought it was about. It doesn't matter if your team was blue or red.
And sorry to say, that decision is irreversible. Normally after one party loses they lick their wounds and start working on the next election. But not this time.
Oh, they will go through the motions. And many will buy into the notion that in the next election people will right the wrongs. Surely the people will come to their senses. Sorry folks, not this time.
There are now more people beholden to government for their sustenance than those who are not. And in four years there will be many, many more. More government employees. More people getting money from government programs. More people who have children and other family members who will lose their jobs or benefits if the government ever shrinks.
They will never vote for that to happen. Whatever or whomever people may vote for, they never vote against themselves. The American experiment has failed. It was just as had been predicted by so many over the last two hundred years who understood human nature.
The election was not about Romney. He had no plan or ability to save us from ourselves. The best he could have done would have been to buy some time. He was after all, a moderate Democrat. He thinks government has the answers. He is wrong.
And the election wasn't about how bad Obama is. He is merely a reflection of the attitudes of most of the people. He can get back to the golf course now. I don't blame him. That's what I'm going to do.
So now we will learn for the first time what it feels like to be in a country which is in decline. The Europeans have known that feeling for a long time. We'll get used to it too.
My only advice to anyone who still wants it is this; If you don't have a helmet you better go and get one. And if you have one, you better put it on. Because there is some heavy shrapnel heading our way. Not tomorrow, but sooner than anyone thinks.
And your team, no matter what color it was, won't help you now." {italics mine}
Also, from Fellowship of the Minds:
“Every nation has the government it deserves.”
"So observed a very wise man — Count Joseph-Marie de Maistre (1753-1821), a French philosopher and diplomat.
Yesterday, you voted for a thoroughly evil man and evil party. In so doing, you voted for your own doom. The next four years will be four years of one financial disaster after another. The next four years will see your constitutional freedoms fall, one after another. And if you complain, you sheeple will finally discover:
- What Obama’s
senior adviserconsigliere, the Iran-born Marxist Valerie Jarrett, meant when she vowed: “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time.No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.” - Why your government has in place a law (the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012) that “authorizes” the military to arrest and detain U.S. citizens without charge or trial.
- Why Obama’s Department of Homeland Security long designated Christians, freedom lovers, pro-lifers, patriots, veterans, Tea Partiers as domestic “terrorists” who could instigate a civil war.
- And why that thoroughly evil man, whom you just gave a carte blanche to do whatever he wants in a second term, had whispered this to Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on March 26, 2012: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
In sorrow,
From Hope n' Change:
"Well that could have gone better! Hope n' Change Cartoons is frankly stunned that American voters (not all of them, but far too many) clearly lack the intellectual capacity of garden vegetables.
In seriousness, and sadness, it seems that the reelection of Barack Hussein Obama was not about a failure of the Right to mount good candidates (we still like Romney/Ryan), but in a broader failure of our nation as a whole. The majority of people did not cast votes based on good information, careful analysis, selflessness, or patriotism. Instead, they made their priorities skin color, class hatred, greed, and vaginal maintenance.
The worst president in history carefully structured his campaign to appeal to the worst elements of American society. And while he's rejected the abundant resources of coal, gas, and oil in our country, Barack Obama has stripmined a motherlode of American ignorance, hate, and envy."
From GeeeeeeZ!: (One of my favorites...)
"USSA Finally Arrives
We very clearly have so much to be thankful for in this country.
To begin with, we owe a debt of gratitude to the millions of voters who are, frankly, too stupid to cast ballots, and whose balloting behavior is more dictated by what they might receive free of charge than by what is in our nation’s best interest.
We’d like to thank all the utter morons who think that voting skin color somehow evens the score for the myths of white oppression foisted upon them by progressives lo these past five decades.
We are thankful for the numb-nuts Cesar Chavez who know his brother Barack Hussein Obama better than do most voters, and of course, for our friend Vladimir Putin, who understands that the United States will be far more flexible over the next four years.
Thanks also to Valarie Jarrett, who promises revenge to anyone who ever stood up to Barack Hussein Obama and his mission to destroy the United States of America, in a very fundamental way.
We’d like to think Sandra Fluke, who shared with us parts of her body not even a drunken sailor should want to touch, if he was sober and knew what was good for him. Yes, we’re happy to pay $3,000.00 a year for your sexual toys and contraceptives.
And thank you for Obama-Care, which will benefit no one except in the fulfillment of Barack Hussein Obama’s intention to bankrupt every single American —because, you see, even the poorest American is 100 times richer than people who are living in fourth-world cesspools, and these are the people to whom Obama intends to redistribute our income. It is the dream from his father, you see.
And we should like to thank all the American voters who lined up for hours, ensuring that Mr. Obama extends our debt to more than $20 trillion in the next four years.
And please, all you folks from other countries … come on over, help yourselves to our benefits and transform America into the same crap hole where you lived before coming here. And remember, it is your right to take that, which doesn’t belong to you because you never earned it.
And we’d like to welcome everyone to the United Socialist States of America (USSA) … because that’s where you’ve decided to take America; because you think that’s where we belong. And we do hope you enjoy the ride because this country is finished."
To begin with, we owe a debt of gratitude to the millions of voters who are, frankly, too stupid to cast ballots, and whose balloting behavior is more dictated by what they might receive free of charge than by what is in our nation’s best interest.
We’d like to thank all the utter morons who think that voting skin color somehow evens the score for the myths of white oppression foisted upon them by progressives lo these past five decades.
We are thankful for the numb-nuts Cesar Chavez who know his brother Barack Hussein Obama better than do most voters, and of course, for our friend Vladimir Putin, who understands that the United States will be far more flexible over the next four years.
Thanks also to Valarie Jarrett, who promises revenge to anyone who ever stood up to Barack Hussein Obama and his mission to destroy the United States of America, in a very fundamental way.
We’d like to think Sandra Fluke, who shared with us parts of her body not even a drunken sailor should want to touch, if he was sober and knew what was good for him. Yes, we’re happy to pay $3,000.00 a year for your sexual toys and contraceptives.
And thank you for Obama-Care, which will benefit no one except in the fulfillment of Barack Hussein Obama’s intention to bankrupt every single American —because, you see, even the poorest American is 100 times richer than people who are living in fourth-world cesspools, and these are the people to whom Obama intends to redistribute our income. It is the dream from his father, you see.
And we should like to thank all the American voters who lined up for hours, ensuring that Mr. Obama extends our debt to more than $20 trillion in the next four years.
And please, all you folks from other countries … come on over, help yourselves to our benefits and transform America into the same crap hole where you lived before coming here. And remember, it is your right to take that, which doesn’t belong to you because you never earned it.
And we’d like to welcome everyone to the United Socialist States of America (USSA) … because that’s where you’ve decided to take America; because you think that’s where we belong. And we do hope you enjoy the ride because this country is finished."
From Thoughts From a Conservative Mom:
"I guess Americans have decided that they haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Obama will lead us down the road to Greece. Our own apathy and disregard for the Biblical principles of liberty, government and economics have led us down this path. Only a revival can save our nation now. Lord, we lay our future in your hands.
Here’s what we need to prepare for:
The mask will now come off. Obama doesn’t have to worry about re-election and will push hard to advance his Marxist agenda with no pretense of being a “moderate.”
A flood of regulations that Obama kept on hold and the media hid until after the election will start going into effect, strangling struggling businesses.
Taxmageddon – a record $494 billion tax hike – will go into effect on January 1st, 2013, plunging us into even deeper recession.
The Left will start going after the internet, citizen journalism, social media and talk radio – any competition to the Left-wing propagandist media.
Obama and the Democrat-controlled senate will begin ceding our national sovereignty to the United Nations, one treaty at a time. Parental rights, gun rights, and internet freedom are especially under threat.
Obamacare will go into full effect, bankrupting private providers and putting America on the road to single-payer, as was intended.
Planned Parenthood will expand on the taxpayer dime, preparing to perform thousands of abortions via socialized medicine.
A direct assault on religious liberty as Obama’s HHS forces religious business owners to pay for abortions, and tries to force the Catholic church – the largest competitor to the Welfare State – out of the health care industry and other charities altogether.
With the Republicans still controlling congress, Obama will simply go around them and rule by executive diktat. Republicans will have to grow the spine needed to hold him in check.
With Democrats still in control of the senate, no budgets will be passed. All of Obama’s judges and appointments will be confirmed. And if they aren’t, he’ll go ahead and appoint them anyway.
Obama will likely appoint at least two more activist judges to lifetime appointments in the Supreme Court. The senate will confirm them.
Obama will continue to block drilling and natural gas development, driving up gas prices and making us dangerously dependent on the volatile Middle East while he dumps billions more into “green” energy subsidies.
Obama’s EPA will destroy the coal industry, causing electricity rates to skyrocket, as he imposes thousands more “green” regulations on what’s left of our manufacturing and other industries.
Illegal aliens will be granted amnesty, voting rights and welfare benefits.
Our border will remain unprotected as drug cartels and terrorists invade with impunity.
Obama will continue to funnel money to the Muslim Brotherhood and weapons to terrorists.
Israel will be forced to attack Iran to prevent it from going nuclear. Obama will not support them. The Muslim world will not be afraid of action from the United States, and will feel free to join forces to destroy Israel.
Christian persecution across the globe will intensify, as the Obama administration looks the other way.
Obama’s spending spree will continue, likely bringing our national debt to a suicidal $22 Trillion before 2016.
More people will be forced into dependency on food stamps and other government programs as the Cloward-Piven strategy accelerates.
The Fed will continue to print more money out of thin air, creating hyperinflation.
We will continue on the road towards Greece. We must be prepared to feed and defend our loved ones, and care for the needy if and when the welfare state collapses.
These last four years have been exhausting. After this loss, it’s tempting to just put our heads back under the covers and give up.
But we can’t.
We have no choice but to fight back with every resource at our disposal. If we give up, our children and grandchildren will suffer under the tyranny of the USSA, while the rest of the world descends into chaos.
I can’t allow that to happen while there is still breath in my body to fight it."
From Faultline USA: (Another of my favorites...)
"America made a decision yesterday to turn its back on constitutional government and go voluntarily into slavery.
I had thought better of my country and my countrymen, but I was wrong.
This America is not the America I remember. This is not the America of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, etc. No. This is Obama's America, a mediocre, has been, washed-up, pathetic, pitiful husk of its former self.
America has, indeed, turned a corner, away from freedom and constitutional government and embraced Marxism and communism -- and -- its own death as a nation. "In a commentary at WND Joseph Farah says: "That's what Obama represents to me - God's judgment on a people who have turned away from Him and His ways and from everything for which our founders sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor." You should read the entire article here: "
Dear reader, if you think things have been bad in America in the recent past, just wait 'til after January 20th. We are headed for the worst recession since the Great Depression. It will make the one we have just come out of seem like a Sunday School picnic.
Americans who revere the 2nd Amendment had better gather all the arms and ammunition you can afford -- and hoard it. I suspect you -- and I -- will need it soon.
My country, which had been fighting for its life -- died last night. The eagle is NOT the Phoenix. It cannot rise from the ashes. It is finished." {emphasis, mine}
"It is sad beyond measure to see what this generation of Americans has done to their country and, by extension, to the world. You have murdered the last best hope of mankind on this planet. It has been suggested that Obama is God's Judgment on the people of America. I have come to believe that. How else can one explain the "blindness" to self destruction demonstrated by the American electorate yesterday.
As a wee lad I was reminded often on Sunday mornings by my old country preacher that "God will not be mocked." How right he was! America has mocked God with our multiculturalism, our inclusiveness, our tolerance of heinous sins such as the murder of unborn babies and homosexuality, and removing God from the public square, just to name a tiny fraction of our sinful infractions. Did we think God would not notice?
No matter what you may have been taught -- God is not a tolerant God. There is a price to be paid for what America has done. We have only just begun to feel the wrath about to poured out on this nation."
From I Hate the Media:
"For the first time in my life, I am NOT proud of my country. Today, I am ashamed to be an American.
PS: If we can't beat the most incompetent, worthless, arrogant, sorry jackass to ever slither across the floor of the Oval Office, we need to start another party." {Which Jim and I said FOUR YEARS AGO!!!}
"The election showed that a majority are now koolaid drinkers. They can be swayed by lies and propaganda. As opposition I do not believe we can rely on the current GOP. Do you think they will now seriously investigate Bengazi with the media broadcasting a steady drumbeat of bipartisanship? All corruption will be papered over to go along to get along. This play nice with the enemy stuff is a perpetual loser and the policy of cowards. The dems are mean nasty liars and cheaters when it comes to politics. Any serious contender now will have to have the guts to get down in the gutter with these fiends and challenge them alike. Until the GOP starts to seriously challenge the dem cheating and propaganda they will be out of power."
"If our military would arise against the Obama administration in a coup, they would have my full support. Now, because I dare post such a thing, I suppose the NSA has noticed, they'll inform Valerie Jarrett and you shall hear from me no more after my internment. See you at the FEMA camps, Friends.
America, I hardly knew thee. RIP."
And last, but not least...From Pundit and Pundette:
"I keep seeing headlines about assisted suicide and think they're referring to what the voters did last night to the United States of America.
The tipping point has been reached. Obama's disastrous policies and glaring failures, domestic and foreign, are acceptable to more than half of the electorate. Back in August Mark Steyn wrote:
This election represents the last exit ramp before the death spiral.
And with their eyes wide open, voters chose to keep the foot on the accelerator and fly past the exit."
I am done. I am glad I am not alone in my sorrow. Thanking God for STILL being in control!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A Night To Remember...

This weekend marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the "unsinkable" luxury liner, RMS Titanic. I have been utterly fascinated by this tragedy since I was a little girl and saw the movie, "Titanic", which starred Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb and which just happened to be made the year I was born.
Here is the trailer for that wonderful movie...
Titanic (1953)
Years later I saw another heart-wrenching version of the sinking called "A Night To Remember". This version was made in 1958.
A Night To Remember (1958)
This scene, especially, is so unbearably sad...
Nearer My God To Thee
To think of those brave souls who met death singing a hymn...All of the movie versions include this scene.
Here is the 1953 version
Since then, there have been countless doumentaries and other movies made based on that night. There are many museums and exhibits, diving expeditions to salvage anthing that can be found from the wreckage. Seems we just can't get enough of everything about that night. Even a Broadway musical which was made into a WONDERFUL movie based on the life of a Titanic survivor..."The UNSINKABLE Molly Brown" in which Debbie Reynolds shone!
The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964)
Here is the clip which shows that part in the movie:
part of the Titanic scene from The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Then, in 1997, James Cameron brought us a film which is so good, I couldn't walk when I left the theater. Lauren (who loved it too) and I saw it together and I will never forget the experience....It is being re-released this weekend, this time in 3-D. I really don't think I could stand it...
Titanic (1997)
I have to include the "Nearer My God To Thee" scene from this movie also...
There are many remembrance / observance gatherings scheduled all over the world this weekend to commerate the date.
Here is an article from yesterday's Wall Street Journal which discusses it...
HSN has it's version of the "Heart of the Ocean."
Lastly, there is a mini-series which starts tonight at 8:00 on ABC. I CAN'T WAIT and hope that it is a decent version!!!
I have to conclude this post with Celine's timeless classic from the movie...
(I hated to hear that Kate Winslett said she was sick of this song...kinda tarnished it all)
Does anybody else share my obsession with this tragedy?
Not to be confused with the Hindenberg disaster, but "Oh, the humanity..."
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