Once again, it has been quite awhile since my last post
...{Having your only child become engaged puts the "focus" elsewhere, let me tell ya!} But I can't stay unfocused for long! My thoughts keep drifting back to the fight that is raging in this country. I have been thinking about this blog post for several days now. When I say "back to basics", I mean I want to stop and think about why I started this blog in the first place...
I don't know if any of you have noticed the "shoutout" I gave to the "Politics and Religion" radio show on the right of my blog. I listen to Irvin Baxter's radio/news show everyday. He (specifically, the show) was my inspiration for starting this blog at all. I was noticing that I was printing more and more political posts on my
first blog and decided to create one where it would be all politics, combined with my religious beliefs...for me, the two cannot be separated.
One day, a caller asked Rev. Baxter how he [the caller] could use his blog to "get the message out" that we are living in the endtimes. Rev. Baxter replied something along the lines of,
"Don't be completely negative. It is so easy to throw blame around, but what we are concerned with involves so much more than that." I agree. I have several blogs that I read with the sole intent of finding out what is going on with our government. I get much more informative and truthful reporting from them than I could ever hope to get from the MSM! {Thank God for the internet as it stands right now. Don't know how much longer it will be available, free and/or unmonitored...}
So, with all that being said, I hope to post not just the latest information that we all need to know concerning what our "elected officials" are doing for us. {uh, make that TO us...} I hope to be able to show the connection between the news that is occuring right now and what the Bible has to say about it. And yes, the Bible is just as timely as the morning news or the refresh button here on the net. When we kick and scream and cry and wring our hands at what we see happening, (myself included), we need to take a big, deep cleansing breath and remember that God is in complete control.
Some of my friends ask, "If you believe God is in control, then why do you get so angry and upset with the government? Why not just wake up every morning and just 'be happy'?" Fair question...I guess I can only say that it is not in my makeup to just "do nothing". I don't believe God wants us to just "do nothing". Yes, we are to pray for our leaders and for our country and its' morals...or lack thereof. But I also think, IF we can turn the tide, then we should at least try. We turned the tide when we broke away from England's tyranny, and, with God's blessing, we could do it again. I don't know. It may be too late. But I am not giving up...
My intent with this blog is to point out that the events going on in the world have been foretold by the Bible and hopefully, as a result, someone might make the connection. The light bulb might come on and that person would come to know the Lord, rest in His promises, and secure eternal salvation from the wrath to come.
And folks, make no mistake. It IS coming...
I realize talking about Jesus is not politically correct. I realize talking about the "endtimes" can put me on a Homeland Security list somewhere as being a right wing extremist and therefore dangerous to our country. But so what? Jesus Christ Himself was labeled in much the same way...
Much, much more to follow...
"...and so much the more as you see the day approaching. {Hebrews 10:25b KJV}